The septic system is one of the most important parts of the home thus, making it a requirement for homeowners to get contractors that are qualified and are known to get the job well done. The construction phase is just the first step and to save you from spending thousands of dollars in the near future, proper care and regular maintenance of your septic tank is a must. Many homeowners in Leelanau County in Michigan, made the mistake of hiring a cheap plumber with a pump truck, only to find out that they have to spend double for repair when something goes wrong. If you are from Leelanau County and not sure which septic tank contractor to hire for the job, you can always call us at Grays Excavating.
One of the first things to look for in a septic tank system contractor is that they understand not only the pumping mechanism of your tank, but also the new environmental laws implemented in Leelanau County. As stated by the law, failure to abide by the rules will require you to pay money and this is something you wouldn’t want to experience. You can always review the set of laws governing septic tank construction to not only avoid expensive fines and charges, but also to put your home in a better position if you decide to put it up for sale. By law, you are required to have a full system inspection before you can sell your home to see if there are any damages and major repairs needed.
Before the septic tank system contractor can start with the construction phase, a professional septic tank specialist is required to draw out an organized plan and design for your septic tank system. The size of the house, number of residents and the land where it is constructed are taken into consideration for designing a system that is compatible with the needs of your home and the standards set by the law.
No homeowner ever wished of getting their septic tanks replaced because it is expensive and will be inconvenient for the whole family. The truth is, septic tank maintenance is done not only to help you save yourself from expensive repair costs, but also to avoid health hazards and environmental problems.
If your septic tank fails to work properly and allows waste to seep into the ground, the best step that you can take is to contact the health department and let them assess the situation. You will be then advised on what’s best to do since waste that is not properly treated can spread serious health problems such as hepatitis and dysentery.
Strong chemical cleaning products that enter the septic tank can also be penetrated by the environment and cause serious damage not only to the people and pets within the area, but also to the surrounding wildlife.
Regular maintenance and replacement of your home’s septic system is beyond financial issues. If you fail to comply by the environmental laws implemented in Leelanau County, you can create a big mess that’s hazardous to all living things living near your home.
Grays Excavating will be glad to help you out with all your septic system needs and they proudly serve the following areas: Benzie County, Leelenau County, Grand Traverse County, Traverse City and Lake Ann.